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Welcome and thank you for visiting the NAOLAB website.

As a sales engineer, I have accumulated over 40 years of experience in the petroleum industry aiming at "making products" as a trading company.

Our goal is to develop products that enable customers, trading companies, and manufacturers to share profits by fully utilizing my five senses that can only be learned in the field: seeing (sight), hearing (sound), touching (touch), smelling (odor), and tasting (taste).

Our company name, NAO, is based on the concept of developing New, Advanced, and Optimum products for the market.

My company does not just make a copy of a product, that is, notturning an A into an A', but change an A into an 'α', a new sense of value.

While confronting a variety of practical issues, we will try to find improvements to existing products by identifying theoretical problems on a virtual basis. Please look forward to seeing products created through this iterative process of practice and theory.

We are facing a turning point where the energy source for cars is shifting from petroleum to electricity, hydrogen, and environmentally friendly synthetic fuels in order to meet the SDGs.

On the other hand, fossil fuels and lubricants are still in need of improvement. It is essential to change the characteristics of products from both the market and the production side to meet these challenges.

Lubricants are sometimes compared to curries. Lubricating oil is made by blending a base oil with a combination of various additives for different lubricating purposes. Curry is also made by mixing cumin and coriander for aroma, turmeric for color, chili pepper for spiciness, and other spices, dissolving them in water, and sometimes combining them with vegetables and meat to create a wide variety of tastes in response to climate change and changes in social environments.

As a cook of fuels and lubricants, I promise to offer products that have performance and price together to satisfy both consumers and manufacturers.

Founder & CEO | Naofumi Okuda


NAOLAB supports unique product development by combining raw material procurement and formulation development in response to customer concerns about fuels and lubricants (oils). We provide differentiated and functional products with basic and additional performance.

Examples of consultations

  • How can we promote the SDGs?
  • How can we improve maintenance of vehicles and equipment?
  • How can we reduce power and fuel consumption?
  • What precautions should I take when disposing of my products?
  • How can we reduce the price of lubricants we use?
  • Are there any lubricants that can be used for disaster prevention?
  • What is the best way to expand the longevity of fuel or lubricating oil used in emergency generators?
  • Consultation
  • Select the low materials
  • Research & Development
  • Production as the
    original products


Oil / Alcohol Fuel Vehicle

  • Engine oil

    • ・Passenger car
    • ・Light & Heavy duty truck
    • ・Vessel
    • ・Power generator
  • Gear oil

    • ・Transmission
    • ・Def
    • ・Shock absorber
    • ・Power steering
  • Fule

    • ・Gasoline
    • ・Light & heavy fuel
    • ・Alcohol
    • ・Bio fuel

EV FCV Vehicle

  • Transmission oil

    • ・Drivetrain
  • Coolant

    • ・Battery
    • ・Charging device
    • ・Inverters

About us

Company Profile

Company name
NAOLAB Co., Ltd.
Founder & CEO
Naofumi Okuda
September 2020
Head Office
1-15-12 Koyata Iruma Saitama 358-0026 Japan
Tokyo Office
3F Shinseido Bldg 1-44-3 Sekiguchi Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 112-0014 Japan(Google Map)
Tel: +81-90-1044-0660